How to use this tool

When you are using this tool, start by working with the person that you support to write down the places that they already go to. Next, think together about how you can increase the number of the places they go and maximizes opportunities for relationships. Here are some things to think about.

  • Look at the person’s gifts, skills and interests. What would they like to do or do more of? Where in the community might these gifts be welcome?
  • Look about in your local area and find out what groups and clubs exist.
  • Think beyond any traditional ‘day services’. What else is out there for the whole community?
  • Look for associations that are working to improve the local community. What contributions could the people you support make? Would they like to join any of these groups, or find another way to contribute?
  • Reflect on your own relationships and connections and think about how far you are prepared to share these with the people you support, it may help to connect someone and widen their contribution.