Using this tool

Although the circle-based donut can help you to visualize the different levels of responsibility, when you are actually using the tool it is more practical to show the headings in a table or column as shown here.
Use what you know about Maria from her one-page profile to help Maria’s team to clarify their roles and responsibilities. Decide which of the following actions are a core responsibility.

  • Stop Maria eating unhealthy food.
  • Ensure Maria understands what she can do to eat healthily.
  • If Maria is eating a lot of unhealthy foods, ask her if she is okay and wants to talk about something, as she may be anxious or stressed.
  • Support Maria to attend her doctor’s appointments.
  • Tell Maria and her mom to stop eating cakes and desserts when she visits her mom’s house.

Core responsibilities statements are things that are very unlikely to change and are the foundation for supporting Maria well and are central to the team’s values.
Use judgement and creativity statements keep to the principle of supporting Maria as she would like, but also address the team’s responsibility to help Maria make informed decisions about eating healthily and the best opportunity to lower her Body Mass Index (BMI). It is possible that these things will change over time depending on Maria and her situation. They are examples of good, positive ways of minimizing risk.
Not our responsibility statements are the areas of Maria’s life that Maria’s paid support staff should have no say or involvement. They are Maria’s domain. It is not the responsibility of staff to tell Maria to stop eating unhealthy food but to support her to make healthy choices.