Kristi Patton

Person Centered Thinking Trainer and Program Administrator

“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.”
– B.B. King

About Me

Through my work at a community support provider for people with developmental disabilities I am certified to train Person Centered Thinking, Positive and Productive Meetings, People Planning Together, and National Association for Direct Support Professionals Informed Decision Making. I am also a Charting the LifeCourse Ambassador as well as a previously certified Council on Quality and Leadership Personal Outcome Measures Interviewer. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and educating others. It is important to me that everyone have a meaningful and fulfilling life.

What others like and admire about me

  • I am innovative
  • I am passionate
  • I am inspiring
  • I am a good listener
  • I help others advocate for themselves
  • I am artistic
  • I am kind

Whats important to me

  • Making a difference in peoples lives by working on meaningful projects
  • Motivating people to learn and try new things
  • Helping people to learn to advocate for themselves
  • Learning from others to expand my knowledge
  • Create a welcoming environment for everyone to learn
  • Having personal connections Spending time with others who are excited about
  • Person Centered Practices
  • Creating presentations that are engaging and effective

How best to support me

  • Allow me to be creative but give me feedback, so that I can learn and grow
  • Share ideas and knowledge with me
  • I like to talk things through, sometimes this helps me to process different concepts and ideas