Author: Barb Swartz-Biscaro

Valuable lessons about Values

  Several years ago, I was blessed to be introduced to values-based work through our HSA UK team and Jackie Le Fèvre who is a Values Specialist currently writing a… Read more »

Measuring Mindset and Positive Outcomes – or do we need to?

Over the years we have supported a number of organizations to embed a person-centred culture. It is a very detailed and often complicated process that results in putting more focus… Read more »

HSA Canada Gathering 2024

  Plans are underway for the next annual HSA Canada Gathering May 7, 8 2024 in Ottawa, ON. We are excited to be planning an in-person event, it’s been so… Read more »

Imagine, Intention, Invention

We all know change is inevitable. Sometimes we are open to it and other times it is disruptive. The one consistent thing about change is that it opens the door… Read more »