Author: Shawna Hall

Let “It” Be

Welcome to the mindfulness moment wrap-up for 2023. I would like to invite you to settle yourself wherever you are. In your desk chair in your wheelchair, at a stand-up… Read more »

Person-Centered Discovery as an invitation to show up in your work, not just “at work.”

I have discovered that bringing my whole self to work is a conscious choice I make each day, an invitation I choose to accept or decline every time I wake… Read more »

Self-Care. The top tip for wellbeing

  I think of wellbeing as an internal thing, independent of our circumstances. If we wait for our circumstances to be pleasing and balanced to have a sense of wellbeing,… Read more »

Making peace with responsibility.

  I’ve always associated “being responsible” with obeying rules and accomplishing tasks expected of me at home, at work, or at school. Living with a disability and growing up inundated… Read more »

The Relationship Map creating pathways for trust, connection and compassion

A couple of weeks ago, I had my first opportunity to participate in a Person Centered Thinking (PCT) training, delivered in person. One of the exercises we work through together… Read more »

Mindfulness for Monday

It’s Monday!! (Insert any day) Take a deep breath in, don’t rush this one. Let the air fill your lungs slowly. Feel your abdomen rise up and your ribs expand… Read more »

The Messy Middle of Transitions

The end of the year seems to arrive faster and faster as more of them go by. Halloween costumes and candy are barely put away and it’s a downhill slalom… Read more »

Gratitude: A Sticky Wicket

Gratitude seems a straightforward concept. We all know what it is to be thankful for something or someone and most have experienced the benefits of feeling and expressing gratitude. It… Read more »

Person-Centered Collaboration: Providing what’s and when’s for dreams and desires.

A good idea can very easily sit by itself and go nowhere. Elements of great ideas can flit in and out of our minds like fireflies, emitting brilliant bursts of… Read more »

In the Meantime- Mindfulness Moment 1

Settle yourself in your chair and close your eyes. There is work to be done, but first, we must tend to ourselves and B – R – E – A… Read more »