Author: Shawna Hall

Mindfulness Moment for Connection

Wherever you are located, settle in. Settle into this space we are creating together. Togetherness via zoom and other wonders of technology. YOU are welcome here. As you settle in, check… Read more »

Compassion Inside Out

Self-compassion is as vital as it is difficult.  Talk to any one of my friends, and “compassionate” will quickly fall out of their mouths when they are describing me. Compassion… Read more »

Confirmation Practices: Guiltless Guides to Productivity

My middle name is Grace and extending grace to others comes naturally to me most days. Extending grace towards myself however, it’s a whole different matter. Living life with a… Read more »

How do I want my life to be?

Planning Live- A Whole New Approach We are all used to answering typical, surface, get – to – know- you questions whether we are filling out job applications, trying to… Read more »

In the Meantime- Mindfulness Moment 1

  In The Meantime By Shawna Hall Settle yourself in your chair and close your eyes. There is work to be done, but first, we must tend to ourselves and… Read more »

Learning from 2021

Broken Doesn’t Mean Diminished My “ah ha” moment for 2021 occurred quite literally by accident. I stepped on the back of my shoe attempting to sit in my office chair… Read more »

The Messy Middle of Transitions

The end of the year seems to arrive faster and faster as more of them go by. Halloween costumes and candy are barely put away and it’s a downhill slalom… Read more »