
Navigating Challenging Conversations with Compassion and Courage

In our recent Compassion@Work session with participants from Northeast Kingdom Human Services, we explored what courage and vulnerability can look like in challenging workplace conversations. Inspired by Brene Brown’s Dare… Read more »

Valuable lessons about Values

  Several years ago, I was blessed to be introduced to values-based work through our HSA UK team and Jackie Le Fèvre who is a Values Specialist currently writing a… Read more »

Five Ways of Supporting Managers Through Tough Times: High Turnover, Fast Changes, and Heavy Workloads

  Are you treading water trying to stay afloat in today’s fast-paced world? You may not know that H S A provides team level training, coaching, and facilitation to support… Read more »

Ushering in Transition through Person-Centered Team Reviews

  As the heat of summer gives way to the gentle coolness of autumn, a metaphorical transition takes place within teams. Much like the changing seasons, teams go through a… Read more »

The Power of Collaboration

  In a world of endless opportunities, there’s something remarkable about working together as a community. It’s like discovering a secret key to unlock the door to change. Collaboration is… Read more »

My Person-Centered Thinking Mentoring Journey with HSA

I have been a Person-Centered Thinking Trainer since June 2020. Since then, I have had the opportunity to share the principles of Person-Centered Thinking with others through delivering and providing… Read more »

Grateful Musings of a PCT Mentor Trainer

Over the past year as a Person-Centered Thinking Mentor I have had the great honor of working with 10 of the most incredibly dedicated and talented people on their journey… Read more »

Let “It” Be

Welcome to the mindfulness moment wrap-up for 2023. I would like to invite you to settle yourself wherever you are. In your desk chair in your wheelchair, at a stand-up… Read more »

Measuring Mindset and Positive Outcomes – or do we need to?

Over the years we have supported a number of organizations to embed a person-centred culture. It is a very detailed and often complicated process that results in putting more focus… Read more »

No Lows! Top Tips for Training Sessions That Leave Participants Wanting More.

  Imagine a training environment so engaging that participants wish for more, where the only “low” for the training is that it ended! The last two weeks we had the… Read more »