
The constant uncertainty of 2021 has tested our resilience, and now as we launch into 2022 I think we can all agree our resilience is worn thin, possibly lacking the

“My son is going to turn 18 next week. I’m just trying to look ahead to the future. His sisters are in college, so we are always discussing with them

Settle yourself in your chair and close your eyes. There is work to be done, but first, we must tend to ourselves and B – R – E – A

  In The Meantime By Shawna Hall Settle yourself in your chair and close your eyes. There is work to be done, but first, we must tend to ourselves and

  “My son is going to turn 18 next week. I’m just trying to look ahead to the future. His sisters are in college, so we are always discussing with

Last month I dropped a large ceramic planter, resulting in two large cracks from top to bottom. I was mad at myself for being clumsy, for breaking this pot that

My biggest aha moment this year hit me only recently. After a challenging year of change and uncertainty and a lot of learning both personally and professionally it hit me-

As I reflect on this past year, I remind myself that true change in the world and making a difference in someone’s life comes from even the smallest things I

This year has been full of small moments of learning (which program/app helps us do our work more efficiently, small shifts that help us show up more authentically to work

Broken Doesn’t Mean Diminished My “ah ha” moment for 2021 occurred quite literally by accident. I stepped on the back of my shoe attempting to sit in my office chair