
I am starting with a confession: I am not always a model student! I attended an excellent course on Holacracy to experience the two types of meetings that are critical

Over the last month I have posted about why we were considering Teal, how we decided to ‘go Teal’ and our first meeting Tactical Meeting. The true test of any

One of the most difficult decisions I made as a parent was choosing the nursery for my first daughter Ellie. I started by asking friends for recommendations. Then I looked

Michael Marmot started his talk with Alan’s story. This was the most impactful talk that I heard at the Hay Festival this year. Hay is the literary equivalent of Glastonbury,

Does this sound familiar? Jean was recruiting for carers for a homecare team. She shortlisted five people and invited them to come for interview. Out of the five, only one

Skills for Care tell us that values based recruitment and retention is about finding and keeping people who have the right values, attitudes and behaviours to work in social care.

Dora was dressed in a purple cardigan and had a beautiful lilac tint to her hair. She is in her eighties, and her daughter was on holiday, and Geraldine was

This short animation describes how a Wellbeing Team supports Norma and Jean – but it is only half the story. Wellbeing Teams offer a fresh approach to home care, that

Carol works in the care sector visiting clients in their own homes for which she receives the National Minimum Wage and 7p a mile mileage. She has been doing it

Values and beliefs are powerful forces at work deep in our unconscious. Our everyday behaviours, choices and decisions all have their roots in these foundations irrespective of whether we know