
“I want him to live where he will be safe and loved,” shared an elderly mother regarding her 55-year old son who has an intellectual/developmental disability. She spoke from her

Self-compassion is as vital as it is difficult. Talk to any one of my friends, and “compassionate” will quickly fall out of their mouths when they are describing me. Compassion

My middle name is Grace and extending grace to others comes naturally to me most days. Extending grace towards myself however, it’s a whole different matter. Living life with a

It is with an open heart and much gratitude that I partner with Leigh Ann Kingsbury to facilitate Using person-centered approaches to support healthcare decision making and planning for care

Recently my son came home and needed help finishing a homework assignment. He was being asked to write a poem (ugh! From him) with the title “I Am.” As I

Planning Live- A Whole New Approach We are all used to answering typical, surface, get – to – know- you questions whether we are filling out job applications, trying to

It’s not uncommon for people with disabilities to confront bias when engaging with healthcare providers and systems. For example, providers might make wrong assumptions about people’s decision-making abilities and their

A range of person-centered thinking tools focused on the end of life. This includes: relationship circles; sorting important to/for; good days and bad days; sorting what’s working/not working; “if I

Living Well is a person-centered approach to supporting people to live well with a long-term condition. It also provides a structure to help people think about and plan for the

National Center for Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems is excited to announce this webinar about person-centered decision making in healthcare and care at end of life. Featuring panelists Diane Coleman,