Carol Sebborn

Lead for Community Circles

“We don’t have to do it all alone. We were never meant to.”
– Brene Brown

About Me

I am interested in Community Circles, peer support, Working Together for Change and measuring impact.

I am passionate about sharing person-centred thinking approaches with people to design and manage their support arrangement/personal budgets.

What others like and admire about me

  • I am compassionate
  • I listen with care-making sure everyone is heard
  • I have an open and enquiring mind
  • I am creative and fun

Whats important to me

  • Growing Community Circles within Aotearoa, New Zealand
  • Working in partnership
  • Developing practices that help people connect, contribute, and come up with unique solutions
  • Listening to people’s stories to check if we are making a difference in people’s lives
  • Creating person-centred, self-managing practices within Tautoko, Options
  • To keep learning, growing, and sharing new knowledge
  • Making time for gardening, floral work, meditation, swimming and connecting with family and friends

How best to support me

  • I sometimes over commit to things, so I may need prompting to invite others to assist
  • I usually like some time to reflect on a topic if I am asked to contribute
  • I may need support to recognise that something I have been working on is good enough to go to the next stage!