Category: Blog|Teams and Leaders

Navigating Challenging Conversations with Compassion and Courage

In our recent Compassion@Work session with participants from Northeast Kingdom Human Services, we explored what courage and vulnerability can look like in challenging workplace conversations. Inspired by Brene Brown’s Dare… Read more »

Discovering the Leader Within You

Self-awareness has often been cited as one of the most important capabilities for leaders to develop. Self-awareness impacts our personal sense of wellbeing and the organization’s effectiveness in delivering its… Read more »

Confirmation Practices: Guiltless Guides to Productivity

My middle name is Grace and extending grace to others comes naturally to me most days. Extending grace towards myself however, it’s a whole different matter. Living life with a… Read more »

5 Top Tips for Positive and Productive Meetings

Are your team meetings making the best use of your time? Far from being something to just ‘get out of the way’, meetings should be seen as a vital part… Read more »

My Learning from 2021

This year has been full of small moments of learning (which program/app helps us do our work more efficiently, small shifts that help us show up more authentically to work… Read more »

Failing forward with Kintsugi

Last month I dropped a large ceramic planter, resulting in two large cracks from top to bottom. I was mad at myself for being clumsy, for breaking this pot that… Read more »