Category: Blog|Teams and Leaders|UK

Pleasure, purpose and the perfect week

Paul Dolan’s book, Happiness by Design, has been next to my bed for a few months now. It’s not your average ‘how to be happier’ self-help book, and not an easy… Read more »

End of life wishes – on one page?

One of the most powerful books that I read last year was Atul Gawande’s Being Mortal. I loved it so much I bought copies for friends and colleagues. My friend… Read more »

The first one-page profile – why, how and when

In 2004 my daughter Laura was six years old and came home from school in tears. This led to the first one-page profile, and I found myself sharing this story with… Read more »

Feedback Famine and Feast

Over the last four weeks I have given feedback on over 120 projects as a coach for Seth Godin’s radical course, the AltMBA. I completed the course as a student at… Read more »

Towards Teal?

My Tuesday evening routine includes a call to Susan in New Zealand. We have been exploring a process called Working Out Loud. I love books and am always interested in… Read more »

Transition to teal – becoming a self-managing team

Brené Brown describes waking up with a ‘vulnerability hangover’ the morning after giving her powerful TED Talk on shame and vulnerability. I too experienced some sort of emotional hangover the… Read more »

Trying tactical meetings: a confession

I am starting with a confession: I am not always a model student! I attended an excellent course on Holacracy to experience the two types of meetings that are critical to being… Read more »

Small changes and big shifts

Over the last month I have posted about why we were considering Teal, how we decided to ‘go Teal’ and our first meeting Tactical Meeting. The true test of any purported change… Read more »

How can we communicate better with a person’s family and friends?

One of the most difficult decisions I made as a parent was choosing the nursery for my first daughter Ellie. I started by asking friends for recommendations. Then I looked… Read more »

12 ways that Wellbeing Teams are different to traditional homecare

Carol works in the care sector visiting clients in their own homes for which she receives the National Minimum Wage and 7p a mile mileage. She has been doing it… Read more »