Category: Blog|Teams and Leaders|UK

3 tests of a good purpose statement

I am a bit of a quality nerd. I did a masters in Quality Assurance in Health and Social Care at Leeds  in the 1980’s. I would enthusiastically tell people… Read more »

What has ‘clean’ go to do with quality?

Working out how to measure the right things can be difficult. It’s easy to fall into the trap of counting what’s easy and missing what matters. That seems to be… Read more »

Getting skin in the game- starting a provider organisation

Abhishek’s blog crystallised something that I had been feeling but had not been able to articulate as clearly as he did. Over the last two years I have been a… Read more »

If Zappos did homecare would it look like this?

A little over two weeks ago I did one of the scariest things I have done all year. I was in the US, with nearly 200 of my peers from… Read more »

How can we attract Generation Z into care?

When I first heard about the different Generations I was suspicious, it sounded like mass stereotyping. When I heard Simon Sinek blame parents for their role in creating Generation Y I was… Read more »

Recruitment: what should we measure?

Yesterday three excellent candidates accepted the roles of Community Circle Connector and Practice Coach. The recruitment workshop was a powerful experience. People left wanting to keep in touch with each… Read more »

The back story of Wellbeing Teams

Last week I posted on Linked In that I was re-reading Bernadette Jiwa’s excellent book ‘Story Driven’ and was planning to using this framework with Wellbeing Teams. This is the… Read more »

Care Plans- who are they for?

Last year I started to talk to John Kennedy about policies, procedures and paperwork. This started when I was preparing for my CQC interview to become a registered manager with… Read more »

Managing and measuring outcomes- challenges and possible solutions

I have been obsessing about outcomes. In the Individual Service Fund work I am doing with Martin Walker and Wigan Council, we need to be able to identify and deliver… Read more »

Values in Practice- from intention to action

How can Wellbeing Teams live their values everyday, in every interaction? This is the question I am looking at with our Advisor Jackie Le Fevre, and this is the first… Read more »