Deb Watson

HSA Australia Lead Associate/Facilitator/Resource developer/Trainer/Consultant

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
– Mahatma Gandhi

About Me

I strive for excellence in support work.
Supporting families and communities to find creative solutions to care, looking beyond traditional service systems.
I am committed to Person-centered planning particularly in relation to complex communication, dementia, and end of life. I enjoy facilitating person-centered change in organizations.

What others like and admire about me

  • I am passionate
  • I am inspiring
  • I am creative
  • I am articulate
  • I am flexible

Whats important to me

  • My husband Pete, our two boys, James and Dylan, Mum, Dad, my three brothers and their families, our 7 grandchildren and all the Rees clan.
  • Our two dogs Jessie and Millie, ponies, Ollie and Bonnie.
  • Getting out into the garden as often as possible, even ten minutes here and there to weed.
  • Being involved in our local community, especially through school.
  • Getting stuck into work and projects that make a difference, preferably where I can collaborate with others.
  • Reading lots of contemporary literature, not too much non-fiction.
  • Opportunities to write, edit and learn new things.
  • Positivity and laughter, especially in my work.
  • Connection with local and international colleagues whenever possible.

How best to support me

  • I manage my part time work hours around the movements of our family. It works best for me to plan work phone calls or zooms ahead of time rather than find I can’t give you full attention on calls made out of the blue.
  • I am a seasoned procrastinator! I work best with deadlines and reminders, please prompt me for dates for completed work or follow up.
  • My best work is done in an atmosphere of positivity and creativity. If I’ve done work in a more negative environment, I need to debrief to extract the learning afterwards to avoid getting stuck on it for hours.
  • My value of generosity often leads me to work for free. Sometimes I need to talk through my decisions before I commit. Asking how the work aligns with my values is helpful as is challenging me on whether free is in fact the only/best way.
  • Editing is something of a compulsion for me. If you send me work for feedback, make sure you are clear about what you want me to do – eg. proof for typos only, general comment or full blown editing.
  • I tend have a lot of competing priorities in my life. A regular yoga and meditation practice really helps me to stay focused but I frequently lapse. Reminders are always helpful!