Frequently Asked Questions: DSP Essentials Stipend Program

Questions about Registration

How do I register?

To register for the stipend program, please go to the DSP Essentials landing page and click “Register Now”. When registering, you will need to provide the following information:

  • First and Last Name

  • Full Mailing Address

  • Eligible Organization Name and Vendor Code (please ask your organization for the appropriate vendor code, eligible organizations are those that received an HCBS review by ELARC in 2024)

  • Email Address

During registration, you will create a unique username and password for your account. You will also be asked to choose how you would like to receive earned stipend funds and agree to the terms of the program.

When you click the “Enroll” button after filling out all registration fields, you will be registered in the stipend program. All the courses that can earn stipends will appear in your account on under the My Courses tab. If you require assistance please email

If you receive a message that your email address is already registered when registering for the DSP Essentials stipend program, first please confirm you entered your email address correctly.

If it was entered correctly, you may already have an account with Helen Sanderson Associates through one of our other programs. Please follow the instructions in the error message to login to your existing account before registering for the DSP Essentials stipend program.

If you do not know your password for your existing account, please use the “Forgot Password” link on the login page to reset your password (please check your spam folder for the reset email).

When you go to the log in page please use the “Forgot Password?” link on the bottom of the page to reset your password. Be sure to check you spam folder for the reset email coming from

To participate and receive a stipend you will need your organizations vendor number (eligible organizations participated in the 2024 HCBS monitoring review). You will also need an email address (ideally this is a personal email only you have access to as stipend information will be shared to this email).

Reach out to your organization, and they’ll help you obtain this essential number, which is assigned by the regional center.

Please check with your organization to ensure that you have the correct vendor number and that it was entered correctly.

Your organization may not be one of the eligible service providers. Eligible organizations are those that received an HCBS review by ELARC in 2024.

To be eligible for the training stipend, DSPs, must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Work as a paid DSP for an average of 10 hours or more per week
  • Perform direct support tasks like skills development, guidance, and personal assistance to individuals served by ELARC as a regular part of their job duties
  • Spend at least 50% of work hours doing direct support tasks
  • Are employed by an ELARC vendor who participated in the 2024 HCBS monitoring review.
For each ELARC DSP Essentials course you complete, you’ll be eligible to receive a stipend of $100.00 up to the maximum stipend total of $500.00.

Your Information Matters: We value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. Any information you provide during the program, such as your vendor number or contact details, will be used solely for program-related purposes.

How We Use It: Your data may be used to verify eligibility, process stipend payments, and communicate important program updates.

Confidentiality: We will not share your personal information with third parties without your explicit consent, except as required by law.

Questions about the DSP Essentials Courses

How long is each DSP Essentials course?

Each course is one hour or less, including video, learning, and skill practice.

Be sure you have clicked the green “Mark Complete” button on each page of the course. You can go back through the course and click them now.

There are no tests associated with these courses.

Courses will be available in your account through December 31, 2025 unless otherwise notified.

Yes, you will automatically receive a certificate of completion for each course. These are available for download in your account.

ou can access your Certificate of Completion when you complete all steps of a DSP stipend course. When you complete a course, the certificate will appear at the top of the course page in a banner saying “You’ve earned a certificate!” In that banner, you can click “Download Certificate” to save a PDF copy of your certificate.

You can also download your certificate in My Account under Membership/Courses→ My Courses and clicking the certificate icon next to your completed course.

If you have completed a course but do not see the option to download your certificate, please make sure the progress bar at the top of the course page says “100% Complete”. If it does not show 100%, please go back through the course and click “Mark Complete” on the bottom of any page that does not have a green check mark in the left navigation menu. Videos will not be marked as complete until the video is watched in its entirety. Once all pages are completed, the certificate should appear in your account and on the course page.

Yes, the DSP Essentials courses are eligible for CEUs provided by Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center and approved by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) for ARF and GH Administrators. If you have questions you may ask your regional center representative.

Please discuss with your employer about when and where to complete your courses.

Yes! Even after you’ve reached the maximum stipend of $500.00, you’re welcome to continue taking courses.

Note: While you can keep enhancing your skills, additional stipend funds won’t be available for the remainder of the current ELARC DSP Stipend Program cycle.

Questions about Your Stipend

How do I choose how I want to receive my stipend?

When you register for the DSP Essentials Stipend program you will be asked to choose how you would like to receive your stipend payment by gift card or paper check. This cannot be changed once you have registered.

The electronic gift cards are distributed through Tango Cards.  Paper checks will be mailed to the address provided at the time of registration.

If you need to change your mailing address for your Stipend payments reach out directly to

Sorry not at this time, only paper checks will be issued. For faster stipend funds consider choosing Tango Cards.

For each ELARC DSP Essentials course you successfully complete, you’ll be eligible to receive a stipend of $100.

Maximum Stipend: You can earn up to $500 in stipends (five courses of your choosing). Once you reach your $500 maximum, you may continue to complete additional ELARC DSP Essentials courses without earning additional stipends.

Yes! Even after you’ve reached the maximum stipend of $500.00, you’re welcome to continue taking courses.

Note: While you can keep enhancing your skills, additional stipend funds won’t be available for the remainder of the current ELARC DSP Stipend Program cycle.

Please refer to and/or consult your tax professional.

You will receive an email from Tango Card within 3 business days of completing a course. Once you have received the email from Tango, follow the prompts to chose your gift card. Your gift card will be emailed to you directly from Tango Card.

Please check your email spam file. Confirm you have initiated process with Tango Card to chose your card. If you have initiated Tango Card via link and still have not received your card please use the link for Tango Card help: If you are still need assistance contact

Find answers to your question at Tango Card help:

You can use your eGift card as you would use any gift card. For more information please follow the instructions on Tango Card:

To troubleshoot issues with your Tango Card please follow the instructions at Tango Card:

You can see your Tango Card balance by following the link: Tango Card:

We will mail a check to you via USPS within 15 business days of you completing a course.

Please email your name, qualifying stipend course, and the date of course completion to

Please email your name, qualifying stipend course, and the date of course completion to A stop payment fee will apply.

Do you have other questions?

If you have additional questions please reach out to