Grateful Musings of a PCT Mentor Trainer

Over the past year as a Person-Centered Thinking Mentor I have had the great honor of working with 10 of the most incredibly dedicated and talented people on their journey to become certified Person-Centered Thinking Trainers. As we have worked closely together, I have seen their passion for making a difference and creating change for the people and organizations they work with. The journey to become a certified trainer has not been easy for them…it has taken time, commitment, and perseverance beyond what many of them expected at the outset.

Was it worth it? YES! I believe that an unexpected outcome of this journey has been the lasting and genuine relationships and true partnerships that have been created. We have recognized that only by working together can we create lasting change for the people we all support to have the lives they want for themselves. The key is that we have gotten to know each other as just people…and this is the great aha…we are all the same…we all have hopes and dreams. When we get to know the people, we support just as people instead of “them and us,” how much better we all are. When we share the responsibility for using person-centered practices as just the ordinary way we work… we all benefit!

I know these 10 people will continue to work together to spread person-centered practices. I also know that they are forever changed for the better because of the experience they have shared. Person-centered thinking truly is for all of us!