Learning Log
We never stop learning about the people that we support.
Notes and files that we keep often record what is happening day-to-day, but not what we have learned. When supporting others, it is important to capture any learning as it happens, because this can be used to inform planning and shape the support you give.
What it does
It gives you a process to help you to record what you are learning while supporting someone. It is most useful when people are trying out new activities or are being supported by a new staff member. By capturing this information and reviewing it, the whole team can keep learning how to give the best support.
How it helps
Crucially, learning logs ensure that in-depth knowledge and understanding of a person is shared with the wider team so that they too can support them well. They should be reviewed regularly by team leaders and shared with the people involved in the support.
Use it now
You can download a PDF of the Learning log  tool here to see how it looks, or start using one today with this free template.