Deborah Boyd
Training coordinator/ Trainer
“He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata, he tangata”
Translation- “What is the most important thing in the world? Tis the people, tis the people, tis the people”
~Maori Proverb
About Me
I love being part of training development and delivery. For me it’s about bringing people together to create a shared understanding, so life can be better for everyone.
What others like and admire about me
- I have a great sense of humor
- I am adaptable and flexible
- I am trustworthy and reliable
Whats important to me
- That people get to live their “good lives”
- That I am part of something bigger than I alone can achieve
- Learning about people
- New practices and concepts and how I can grow and develop
How best to support me
- I sometimes need reminders and I’m happy to get them.
- I work best with a sense of purpose and direction.
- I like to work in a collaborative environment where I can share my ideas and hear the ideas of others.