Mary Beth Lepkowsky

“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.”
~Margaret Wheatley

About Me

My passion for person-centered approaches and self-managing teams stems from more than 30 years of working in leadership and organizational development roles in education, social services, and healthcare. As a trainer, facilitator, and coach, I help people to be the best versions of themselves at home, at work, and in the community. I am a certified Respecting Choices Advance Care Facilitator,  certified in the Prosci method of Change Management and a variety of leadership assessments.

What others like and admire about me

  • I am considerate and kind hearted
  • I am a supportive facilitator
  • I am a respected leader and strong team builder
  • I am a visionary, strategic thinker, innovator
  • I am a catalyst for person-centered change

Whats important to me

  • To work alongside individuals and organizations to build capacity for person-centered practices, resulting in high-performing teams, healthy families, and vibrant, inclusive communities.
  • To have time with my family on weekend nights as often as possible, and enjoy dinner with my husband at our favorite restaurant a few times each month.
  • To be able to work independently as well as with a team that is committed to thinking, planning, and learning together; to feel connected to the HSA international team.
  • To engage in strategic thinking and explore new possibilities.
  • To always be learning and have creative projects in development; to help develop resources for US organizations and know that my efforts are making a difference.
  • To have my iPhone charged and nearby to access my calendar, email, music, and files.
  • To sing in a community choral group and volunteer for local senior centers.
  • To focus on wellbeing by practicing yoga several mornings each week and making time for long walks, especially in wooded areas or by the ocean.

How to best support me

  • Include me in big picture discussions about vision, strategy, and action plans. Fill me in on the purpose, the desired outcomes, and the progress to date on a project before exploring next steps.
  • Be clear with due dates, I work well with the positive pressure of deadlines. And I can give you my best work when I’ve had a chance to sleep on it and consider multiple perspectives.
  • I’m frequently out of the office or have my phone off during meetings and training so email or text is the best way to reach me. Scheduling a call works too.
  • I really appreciate being invited to join group activities, although I may not always say yes. Don’t take it personally, I am reenergized by having time alone, but please keep asking, that helps me stay connected.
  • When working together, I really appreciate having an agenda with desired outcomes that lead to clearly defined action steps.