Melissa Scales-Hamilton

Person Centered Thinking Program Administrator

“At the end of the day, at the end of the week, and at the end of my life. I want to be able to say that I contributed more than I criticized.”
– Brené Brown

About Me

I have been an educator for 20 years. I launched I Am Special Consulting, LLC, and joined the Independent Living movement in 2015. I am a certified Person-Centered Thinking Trainer with The Learning Community for Person-Centered Practices and with Helen Sanderson Associates USA (2022), National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) helpline specialist, a Meditation Teacher, and a Commissioner for Individuals with Disabilities for Prince George’s County, Md. I was awarded the Maryland Department of Disabilities Governor’s Citation for Direct Support Professional in 2020.

What others like and admire about me

  • I am warm and welcoming
  • I have a creative communication style
  • I have the ability to inspire others
  • I am kind, empathic, thoughtful and trustworthy
  • I am a person-centered professional
  • I am passionate and enthusiastic
  • I am excited when I get creative ideas
  • I am understanding of others
  • I can simplify information
  • I am dedicated to helping others achieve what is important to them

Whats important to me

  • Staying connected and empowering my (given and chosen) family to live fully
  • To operate with integrity across all areas of my life.
  • Create environments for others to feel loved, engaged, and loaded with laughter
  • The freedom to be creative at work and at play
  • To experience the beauty and artwork of natural elements around us
  • To live as a beacon of light in my words, deeds, and actions
  • To be patient in providing clear guidance for applying the given task or activity effectively
  • To practice meditation and Qigong daily
  • To create delicious drinks and meals to support wellness
  • To be a beneficial presence on this planet
  • Reading material that provokes to live a Fun, Full-Filled life.

How best to support me

  • Provide clear guidance for effective application of the given material
  • Provide an experience that empowers people with tools that will raise the quality of services for the highest good for everyone
  • Provide a learning environment that fosters inclusion that will increase confidence and productivity
  • Preparedness and openness to growth moments
  • Cultivate an opportunity for learning
  • Allow the time that I need to learn and process information
  • Working things out in conversation and planning with a team
  • Let me participate in silence when I am in need of a heavenly download for clarity and guidance
  • Have patience in teaching me technology and new things
  • Reciprocation of services (the offering is the gift)