My Person-Centered Thinking Mentoring Journey with HSA

I have been a Person-Centered Thinking Trainer since June 2020. Since then, I have had the opportunity to share the principles of Person-Centered Thinking with others through delivering and providing support within the structured path established by The Learning Community for Person-Centered Practices. I get excited to see how an individual’s life might change due to Person-Centered Practices being applied. I can also say that implementing Person-Centered tools in my own life has been life changing, and lifesaving, and know that it can be for others as well. I believe that if we as individuals can see how something can be of great impact in our own lives, our delivery to others can be much more impactful. Consequently, helping others in gaining the skills needed to deliver the Person-Centered Thinking curriculum that aligns with the values of The Learning Community for Person-Centered Practices has been a natural progression in the direction of achieving a person-centered world.

Because of that natural progression, I began my journey to become a Person-Centered Thinking Mentor Trainer so that others can share and deliver Person-Centered Thinking training. Jamie Markey and Mary Beth Lepkowsky have been invaluable in my progression of gaining confidence in mentoring trainer candidates. As I move through the process of becoming a Mentor, I have been able to further hone the necessary skills of helping trainer candidates to identify their own style of learning, developmental needs in the areas of training, preparation, and training delivery. I have been able to support trainers as they present Person-Centered Thinking Training in attending to the learners’ comfort needs, as well as their social and emotional needs. Through mentoring, I have been able to learn from trainer candidates and gain insight into how I might become a more effective trainer of Person-Centered Thinking skills. I can share in the excitement when trainer candidates recognize their own learning as they successfully support participants in gaining new insights into how to be more Person-Centered.

My journey in becoming a Person-Centered Thinking Trainer and now in my progression to become a Person-Centered Thinking Mentor Trainer has had and continues to have a profound impact in my life. Thank you HSA for all the support you have given and continue to give along the way. I look forward to many years of continued collaboration with HSA.