No Lows! Top Tips for Training Sessions That Leave Participants Wanting More.


Imagine a training environment so engaging that participants wish for more, where the only “low” for the training is that it ended!

The last two weeks we had the pleasure of facilitating multiple HCBS Community of Practices where we continued to hear, “I wish this was longer” or “I didn’t want it to end”. So, we asked ourselves, what made these sessions so impactful?

Here are 5 top tips for creating trainings that leave the audience wanting more . . .

  1. The Power of Stories
    Bring learning to life by sharing real and relatable stories. Stories help participants bridge the gap between theory and reality!
  1. Peer to Peer Learning
    Create a space where participants are learning from each other by sharing their insights, perspectives, and experiences. Take time within the session for participants to practice using the skills on and with each other, providing feedback and building their confidence!
  1. Keep it Simple
    Avoid information overload by using clear language, visuals, and real-life examples. Keep it focused and impactful. Clear is kind!
  1. Leave with Action
    Support your audience in creating practical and attainable action steps so they leave with a plan to implement what they learned.
  1. Personally connect with Your Audience
    Break free from monotony and build a genuine connection! Let go of the fear of being perfect, share laughter, stories, and vulnerabilities to create an environment where everyone feels connected.