Programs and Training for People who Give and Receive Support

Programs for discovery
Person-Centered Thinking Training (PCT)USA
Person Centered Thinking training is recommended for everyone involved in supporting people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, mental health needs, and others who use long term services and supports. Participants will develop skills in person-centered thinking through a series of remote discussions, applied stories, and guided exercises. Learn more
Person-Centered Approaches Training (PCA)Canada
Person Centered Thinking training is recommended for everyone involved in supporting people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, mental health needs, and others who use long term services and supports. Participants will develop skills in person-centered thinking through a series of remote discussions, applied stories, and guided exercises. Learn more
Creating One Page Profiles
A one page profile can be a great first step in getting to know a person well and creating the best support for their life.   It can help us to figure out what we can do right now to help someone toward their best life and it can also be created for different purposes. A one page profile can introduce someone in a positive way for a new job, serve as a quick get-to-know-you reference when first meeting someone, as a way for a teacher or care provider to quickly learn about your child; or for special situations like supporting someone in a health care crisis. A one page profile can also be used for teams and leaders to learn how support, work and communicate with each other more effectively and productively. Learn more
Person-Centered Thinking Trainer Certification- USA
HSA can certify you to become a Person-Centered Thinking Trainer. A Mentor Trainer certified by The Learning Community For Person Centered Practices will provide remote mentoring, coaching and observation for Trainer Candidates to learn to deliver PCT Training. Trainer credentialing for Person Centered Thinking is available to people who have completed Person-Centered Thinking training and are using person-centered thinking skills and approaches in their work to support people. Learn more
Person-Centered Approaches Trainer Certification- Canada
HSA can certify you to become a Person-Centered Thinking Trainer. A Mentor Trainer certified by The Learning Community For Person Centered Practices will provide remote mentoring, coaching and observation for Trainer Candidates to learn to deliver PCT Training. Trainer credentialing for Person Centered Thinking is available to people who have completed Person-Centered Thinking training and are using person-centered thinking skills and approaches in their work to support people. Learn more
E-Learning Packages
HSA e-learning packages deliver high-quality content and excellent downloadable resources to enable you to put what you learn into practice. Learn more

Programs for planning
Person-Centered Reviews
Person-Centered Reviews puts the person having the review firmly at the heart of the experience. It is an opportunity to think about what’s working, and to come together to think creatively about what next. By focusing on people’s skills, aspirations and wishes instead of starting with their condition people can build more meaningful days that contribute to their happiness and wellbeing. Learn more
Planning Live: Person-Centered Planning Facilitator Training
H S A will provide a deeper exploration of the facilitator role using the Planning Live approach. This is a train-the-trainer program, meaning participants will have access to all course materials and facilitator resources and can coach internal team members. It does not authorize use for commercial training purposes beyond your organization. Learn more
Person-Centered Approaches to Healthcare Decision Making
A practical program for facilitators and planners who work with people with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities. Join organization leaders, care coordinators, planners, and facilitators to learn about supporting people to make healthcare decisions and practice ways to start conversations about future care planning and care at end of life. Learn more
Person-Centered Planning for a Good Life
Person-Centered Planning for a Good Life will provide you with practical skills to guide you through the person- centered planning process. It is an overview on how to use person centered thinking skills in the actual planning process. This is a valuable training for anyone involved in writing plans or participating in a planning. Learn more

Programs for action
Writing Person-Centered Outcomes Using the Outcome Sequence
The Outcome Sequence is a 7-step process to learn how to write outcomes that matter to a person and that will actually make a difference in their life. You will learn how to use this seven step process to create outcomes with people that are meaningful, specific and measurable and that will actually lead to positive changes in their life. Learn more
Creating Positive Actions Using the Support Sequence
The Support Sequence is a 5-step process to learn the right amount and kinds of support a person needs to take action toward the positive change they want to make in their life.
You will learn how to explore and generate ideas by looking at what the person can do using their gifts and skills, identifying how family, friends or neighbors can help, looking at possible community supports, exploring how technology or adaptive equipment might be able to help, and how eligibility services might be used. You will also take a look at how best to match staff for the best fit in ensuring personalized support. Learn more
Just Enough Support
This training introduces participants to the Just Enough Support process with interactive activities and practical use of the various tools. The Just Enough Support process ensures that people have the right amount of support, not too much, not too little. It creates a win-win-win situation for all involved; the person requiring supports has a more meaningful life, organizations are able to allocate resources more efficiently and communities benefit from full citizenship. Learn more
Building Person-Centered Teams
This 2-day workshop will show teams and leaders how to develop a Person Centered Team Plan. This program can be run for team leaders to help them facilitate their own team processes. Alternately, this program can be offered to entire working teams to create their team plan during the program. The work will focus on five elements of person centered teams: Purpose, People, Performance, Process and Progress to address questions that are central to becoming a person centered team and doing your best work. Learn more
Community Connecting
This training is an introduction to community connecting. This course has been developed and compiled by Helen Sanderson Associates and has drawn on information from John O’Brien, Beth Mount, The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices, Patsy Davies, Claudia Bolton, and Martin Seligman. Participants will develop skills in using four tools to help the people they support facilitate community connections. The training is interactive and provides opportunities to practice using the different tools and
approaches. Learn more

Programs for reviewing progress
Person-Centered Reviews
Person-Centered Reviews puts the person having the review firmly at the heart of the experience. It is an opportunity to think about what’s working, and to come together to think creatively about what next. By focusing on people’s skills, aspirations and wishes instead of starting with their condition people can build more meaningful days that contribute to their happiness and wellbeing. Learn more
Progress for Providers
Progress for Providers is designed to help service providers to review their progress in using person-centered approaches to support people to have choice and control, personalize services and supports based on what matters most to each person, and create environments where everyone can thrive, employees as well as people who receive long term service and supports. Learn more
Working Together for Change
The Working Together for Change Process is an approach to listening to what people are saying, through their person centered information, about their lives and the services they receive, and to think about the changes necessary to enable people to get more of what’s working in their lives, and to change what’s not working. Learn more