Just Enough Support is a planning process that helps people to find a good balance of supports utilizing all potential networks available ensuring the person is not under or over supported.

Just Enough Support is a highly practical, step-by-step approach to generating ideas, testing and implementing them. The aim is to proactively develop alternatives to paid support, promote better outcomes for people to be in control and have a good balance of supports.

How Just Enough Support will help people thrive:
- Promotes better outcomes for people and ensure they are in control if funding or staff availability reduces
- Reduces the likelihood of people becoming overly reliant on services
- Maximizes existing budgets and resources as far as possible
- Reconsiders how much paid support people need
- Seek alternatives to formal paid support
- Create new or alternative models of support
- Reduce costs within services
Just Enough Support
During this program participants will:
- Explore ways to develop alternatives to paid support for people
- Learn how to continue to develop individually designed services at a time of reduced budgets while staying true to values and principles
- Look in-depth at a person’s day and night and work with them to identify the right level of support for them
- Use creative options for housing, assistive technology and get the most out of existing resources
- Learn about the person and what do we notice about what they bring and what they can contribute
- Explore how to move from what currently is to what could be and testing out the impact of ideas on the person and the service
- Find a balance between what is important to people whilst providing just enough support
- Identify what the next steps are and how to develop a SMART action plan
How HSA can deliver Just Enough Support training
This program can be delivered individually as a planning process, as a one day workshop with up to five people supported and their support networks or as a team training using a case study.
Facilitator training is also available for those that would like to learn how to facilitate this process.
Just Enough Support is also available remotely over three 2.5 hour sessions.Â

Here is how you can participate in Just Enough Support training:
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