Person-Centered Planning for a Good Life is an overview and training on how to use person-centered practices in the actual planning process. 

Person-Centered Planning For A Good Life is a valuable training for anyone who is involved in writing or participating in planning.

Learn and practice 5 phases of person-centered planning including Pre-planning, Discovery, Positive Change, Outcomes and Actions, and a Support Sequence. Participants will develop a one-page profile with someone as a first step in creating a person-centered plan and learn how to check it for quality. 

How Person-Centered Planning for a Good Life will help people thrive:

  • Gives people an opportunity to bring everyone around them together to work as a team towards their individual goals and aspirations
  • Can be delivered for multiple people at once, enabling cross-pollination of ideas and energy
  • Is structured to move from innovation and ideas through to clear actions and plans that make them a reality
  • Provides guidance for those who want to develop their own person-centered plan or facilitate the planning process with others

Person-Centered Planning For A Good Life Training Series

During this program participants will:

  • Create a one-page profile for someone they support

  • Learn how to use and organize person centered discovery information

  • Discover how a person wants their life to be. what changes they want to make, and what do they want to do more of

  • Learn the seven steps in the Outcome sequence and how to write an outcome that is person centered, meaningful, specific and measurable

  • Introduced to the five steps to get the right support for action planning

  • Create a plan summary

  • Introduced to ways to follow through and review-making sure the plan actually gets used

How HSA can deliver Person-Centered Planning For A Good Life training series:

This is a valuable training for anyone who is involved in writing or participating in planning (SCs, DSPs, Program Managers, families, self-advocates)

This program includes six 3-hour sessions.

The program works best as a series, however depending on your experience, time or need you may choose one or more individual sessions. All sessions are conducted remotely over ZOOM.

Person-Centered Planning for a Good Life includes person centered concepts, principles and materials used with permission from The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices. Find out more at

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