Person-Centered Teams – Realigning with our purpose and values to build resilience in 2022

The constant uncertainty of 2021 has tested our resilience, and now as we launch into 2022 I think we can all agree our resilience is worn thin, possibly lacking the ‘umph’ it once had. And it is that resilience that is needed so we can continue to do our best work.

After the past two years with teams working remotely and organizations just trying to survive the ‘great attrition’, there is a desperate need to reconnect with and stoke the fire under the purpose and values of teams, leaders and organizations. Job satisfaction is directly related to a person feeling like the work they do is purposeful and in alignment with their values and what is important to them.

Research shows that this connection to a purpose and common values can positively bolster a person’s resilience.

The fatigue we are all experiencing is real, and the need to circle back with our teams to revisit team values and goals and how they align with each person’s individual values and goals could create the badly needed resilience “tune-up” we all need to find our way and thrive.

Using person-centered practices teams and leaders have the opportunity to re-evaluate, assess and define their purpose and values. Person-centered teams can re-energize the workplace and build both personal and organizational resilience.

Click here to download more information about Person-Centered Teams

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