Progress for Providers – Checking your progress in using person-centered approaches (USA
Managers) is a self-assessment tool for managers and team leaders to use individually and
with teams.
Person-centered thinking skills have been included in Progress for
Providers (USA Managers) to assist managers in tracking their progress by providing
concrete examples.
An Explanation of Terms has been developed to clarify the meaning and/or context of the
terms used throughout this resource. This includes an explanation of the skills referred to
in the examples. If the skills and/or approaches in the examples differ from those practiced
by the organization, the Explanation of Terms may assist managers in making comparisons
and identifying progress.
For this resource to be implemented effectively, there must be connections between it and
the organization’s broader strategic directions and approaches. This is to say that the
application of the practices suggested in Progress for Providers (USA Managers) at a frontline
level needs to be supported throughout the organization. This resource will be effective in
organizations that have a clear understanding of person-centered practices and have a
quality management system in place that supports this. With the different emphases in different sections, there may appear to be some duplication. This is deliberate to ensure
that different elements of person-centered approaches are implemented in a multitude of
ways, at all levels and functions of the organization.