Progress for Providers is an assessment tool for organizations to think about their progress in providing person-centered supports.

Progress for Providers is designed to help service providers to review their progress in using person-centered approaches to support people to have choice and control, personalize services and supports based on what matters most to them, and create environments where everyone can thrive, employees as well as people who receive long term service and supports.
People who receive services and employees will play an active role in shaping the service provider’s response to the HCBS final Rule. Their voices are crucial to ensuring that services not only comply with federal expectations but also provide them with opportunities to pursue individual goals based on what is important to and for each person.

How Progress for Providers will help people thrive:
- Using person-centered thinking practices helps the people you support to have more choice and control in their lives, and for staff to provide the best support they can in ways that reflect what is important to the person
- Working in this way is not about doing more, but doing things differently
- Implementing person-centered practices makes it more likely that people will be more satisfied with services, and that good staff will want to stay
Progress for Providers
During this program participants will:
- Identify areas of progress and top priorities for change through a facilitated review
- Learn with and from others who are also on a journey of personalizing services
- Receive facilitation support and coaching to implement action plans for change
- Experiment with innovative approaches in small pilot testing
- Gather stories of what is tried and learned to share with the broader community
How HSA can deliver Progress for Providers
Changemaker Team
Each participating organization will assemble a changemaker team of approximately 12 people that
includes people receiving supports, employees, senior leadership, and other invited guests. These
changemakers will be the drivers of the Progress for Providers assessment and action planning.
Progress for Providers
During five facilitated 3-hour zoom sessions, Changemaker teams will work through Progress for Providers to gather evidence of progress, identify areas for desired change, and suggest strategies for improvement.
Community of Peer Practice and Support
Learn with and from other organizations to consider innovative, alternative ways of implementing person-centered approaches. Hear from the wise crowd and invited guests about what has worked and not worked related to meeting HCBS quality expectations. The Community of Practice will be supported
through Slack, a group discussion platform, and monthly connection calls using zoom.
Ready, Set, Sprint!
Once top priorities for change are identified by your Changemaker Team, H S A will help you organize a
series of “sprints” to test out your ideas and actions in 6-8 week small pilot projects. You will learn from
this experience before implementing on a broader scale. Check-ins and coaching support will be available throughout this time.
This program is delivered through remote collaboration using Zoom and other collaborative tools.

Here is how you can participate in Progress for Providers:
What we are excited about…
What we are learning

Person-Centered Teams – Realigning with our purpose and values to build resilience in 2022
The constant uncertainty of 2021 has tested our resilience, and now as we launch into 2022 I think

Using Person-Centered Practices Within Organizations and Teams
We think that delivering great outcomes for people can only be delivered through using the same person-centered practices