The Progress for Providers Series are a range of simple self-assessments to enable providers to deliver more personalised services.

Each one has been developed with commissioners and providers, in partnership with people, families, academics and professionals. It takes only about 40 minutes to do the self-assessment, and there are also pages for actions planning and suggested resources. They are free to download and use. We can also provide support to use them – please email Michelle for more information.

Listen to Helen from HSA explaining how to use Progress for Providers in this short video

Progress for Providers – checking your progress in using person-centred approaches, is aimed at first line and middle managers, and is applicable to all services. Click here to use the electronic Self Assessment form.

Progress for Providers – checking your progress in delivering personalised services, is the first, high level one, for senior managers and leaders of any service. Click here to use the electronic Self Assessment form.


Progress for Providers – checking your progress in delivering person centred support that promotes independence, wellbeing and self reliance, is for all aspects of reablement services. Click here to use the electronic Self Assessment form.

Progress for Providers – checking your progress in delivering personalised support for people living with dementia, is aimed at care homes for people with dementia. Click here to use the electronic Self Assessment form.

Progress for Preparing for Adulthood has been developed by the Preparing for Adulthood team and is available here. Click here to use the electronic Self Assessment form.

Progress for Providers – Checking your progress in delivering personalised support for people living at home. Click here to use the electronic Self Assessment form.

Progress for Providers – New Zealand offers comprehensive and concrete suggestions for delivering personalised support in a New Zealand context. Click here to learn more and download the book.

Progress for Providers – end of life goes a long way to making personalised support an achievable goal. It offers comprehensive and concrete suggestions. Personalised support will be increasingly important as we consider future needs for care and support at the end of life. Click here to use the electronic self assessment form.