Coaching for Mastery of Person-Centered Practices is for supervisors and managers charged with helping others increase their confidence and competence in putting person-centered skills into action.

Coaching for Mastery of Person- Centered Practices will provide a practical overview of a collection of coaching strategies that serve as a job aid for anyone charged with helping others to increase their competence and confidence in putting person centered thinking tools into practice. Supervisors and managers will find these techniques useful in their coaching role with employees. Helping professionals will benefit by using these approaches with individuals, families and organizations to whom they provide services and supports.
How Coaching for Mastery of Person-Centered Practices will help people thrive:
- Building trust and partnerships through peer led practice
- Accelerating the shift from new skill to habit
- Experiencing the value of a strength based approach Supporting people to apply person-centered thinking skills
Coaching for Mastery of Person-Centered Practices Training Program
During this program participants will:
Will be introduced to and be able to practice the following skills.
- The COACH Approach
- To Grow
- Appreciative Inquiry
- Comfort, Stretch, Panic
- Circle of Influence
- Giving and Receiving Feedback
- Five Whys and a What
- What, So What, Now What
- Mirror in the Margin…and more
How HSA can deliver Coaching for Mastery of Person-Centered Practices training program
In-person: Two days 9am to 4pm
Remote: Five 3-hour sessions via Zoom

Here is how you can participate in Coaching for Mastery of Person-Centered Practices training:
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